Welcome to Sidekick Studios
Here at SKS our business is Creativity.
Our products are visual presentations of color, form, humor and insight. As always, we take great pride in bringing our customers artwork rich in color and detail. From hand-drawn rough sketches through to the latest 2D and 3D computer software, our goal is to re-create the visual enjoyment of the classic cinema cartoons.
For business, our clientele spans a wide range of interests in commercial and corporate media. We offer a wide range of services created to enhance publications, promotions, and establish visual identities.
For our Sidekick Studios Moggies fans, we offer an online portfolio of cartoons and characters. Also available are cartoon prints and posters, a new line of fun Moggy products, and free downloads and stories.
So have a look around the website and enjoy our creations. If you have business or commercial illustration needs, check out our Commercial Art section for more information and contacts.
Business & Commercial Art
Sidekick Studios continues to be a source of Cartoon art and identities for businesses, NPO's and Veterinary practitioners. The studio has created cartoon art for promotional programs, motivational posters, public presentations and posters.
Custom Projects:
SKS can assist you in enhancing your visual impacct and leaving a lasting impression on your audience. Whether it's a stock character from our extensive portfolio, or a custom look, you'll find the process easy and surprisingly cost-effective.
So contact us as SKS for recommendations or assistance on your project. Our stff will review your needs and get back to you with a no-cost estimate and recommendation.

About the Creator
Fred May has spent most of his working life in the field of product design and development; and visual communications. He was born in Seattle and graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Industrial Design. His career of two decades has included design and management for several large corporate design teams. In 1995 he began an independent design consulting business, Synera Design, in San Diego. Fred now lives in Australia with his wife Andrea, where he continues to consult on design internationally. In 2000 he established a sister company, Sidekick Studios, expressly for the production of cartoons and animation.
Creator's Comments
".. I must admit that my work at SKS finally allows me to merge two of my life-long passions. The first is cartooning and the second is cats. Though I enjoy and appreciate all animals, the cat species seem especially unique to me. Whether on the Serengeti or in the backyard, all cats big and small embody a physical and mental prowess that we, as humans can only dream about.
I'm lucky to have inspriations like Webster, Tui, Augie and Brodie. With the real Mogsquad Moggies around, there's always plenty of creative material on tap for SKS.."
Copyrights and Use Restrictions
All images available on this website are the property of Sidekick Studios and are protected under SKS copyrights.
Downloading, replication and use of these images is restricted to private use only. Commercial use of SKS images is forbidden without prior authorization from SKS.
Please feel free to email us if you have questions regarding these restrictions.
SPCA Endorsement
No cartoon characters were injured in the production of this website.
Scenes depicting cartoon characters in jeopardy are simulated and pose no danger or threat to those characters.
All actions and simulations of dangerous situations are strictly monitored and supervised by trained cartoon character wranglers at all times during production.